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Today, we have completed the second workshop in the Explorer 101 training package. This workshop explained the basics of working within the Rapid Explorer experience.

Specifically, in today’s session, we have learned the following key concepts:

  • How to navigate Explorer (using the Sidebar and its menus)
  • We have discussed what tables and views are, and why are they important
  • We have also discussed how to find data using tables and views

Looking Ahead

In the next beginner training session, we will continue examining our data within the Explorer experience. Specifically, we will look at:

  • How to navigate inside items on a table
  • How to see the files and activity history that is contained within each item
  • How items can be linked together to build connections between tables
  • How to create new items, or edit and delete existing items in your Rapid site


We hope you have enjoyed this first training session on the fundamentals of Rapid platform and the Explorer experience.